About John FagerholmWho Am I?

Hi, I’m John Fagerholm and I am an Employer defense attorney who has dedicated my life and work mission to protecting businesses like yours against unfair labor laws and trying to help make California a great place to do business again.

In the mid 90s I decided to pursue my dream of a career in law and moved from Seattle to Los Angeles to attend Southwestern University School of Law’s rigorous and prestigious SCALE program.

Having always been fascinated with Hollywood and the Entertainment world, I started out my legal career as an entertainment attorney for one of the top firms in Los Angeles.

But also being a life long entrepreneur it did not take me long to strike out on my own and found my own Entertainment law firm M.E.T.A.L Law (Media, Entertainment, Technology, Action Sports, Lifestyle-Brands).

Though the perks of being a successful entertainment attorney in Los Angeles were fun and rewarding, I soon started to shift my focus from Entertainment law. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs like myself I began to notice a disturbing trend for business owners in California.

The already difficult California labor laws were becoming even more onerous and one sided against employers. More and more people in my circle were being effected and coming to me for help.


That’s when I realized something.

Despite the attack on entrepreneurs and business owners by the state of California and the labor board, no attorneys were willing to stand up and say “We are for the employers! We are here to defend you and your interests!”

I immediately shifted my focus to employment law and founded DefendMyBiz.com in 2012 dedicated to providing as much information and help to California employers as possible and give them a fighting a chance against the states unfair and punitive labor laws.

I do not believe that labor and employment laws to protect employees are unnecessary. Employees can be a companies biggest strength and all employees deserve the right to be treated with respect and dignity and utilize all the labor rights they are entitled to by the state of California.

However, employers, entrepreneurs and business owners also have rights that should be respected.

The laws have become so punitive and verdicts so one sided that ‘predatory attorneys’ have emerged on the employee side to take advantage of the situation, practically extorting employers in some cases.

Right then I decided that enough is enough and someone needs to stand up and fight back for California employers.

The entrepreneurs and risk takers like YOU who drive our great states economy forward!




When were started looking for an attorney who only helps employers and knows his stuff, we quickly realized John was the guy. We first hired John to come on site to our business and he explained to us step by step what we were doing right and what we could improve on. He then created custom policies for our gym that best fit the specific issues we face with employees and lowers our liability and chances of getting caught in an employee lawsuit.

I highly recommend you have John come in and take a look at your business. Its a great investment and will give you some peace of mind knowing that you are handling your employee issues the right way.

Marcus Kowal – http://systemstrainingcenter.com

Owner of Systems Training Center (chain of successful MMA and fitness gyms across SoCAL)



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